Monthly Archives: August 2008
saturday male order…
for the love of toni…
toni maticevski is an old mate of mine from australia who i think is a very talented fellow. i just wrote something for V on his latest obsession. click here to see the story. and below, kime bizelli, who i imagine would appreciate toni’s aesthetic a lot.
delinlee as a guest contributor…
holler kids! my guest contributor
mid-week follies…
losing like this…
my review of the beautiful losers documentary was just posted on V. check it here
don’t call me surely…
something from a sunday…
the long and short of it…
better late than never…
my opening ceremony olympics party review and photos were just posted on V — and what better image to pump some press from other than olympia herself (pictured below in a dress that she apparently hates but in a strawberry shortcake kind of way i think is very cool). to see the review click here