Monthly Archives: April 2010

my new mentor: poppy king…

famed lady of the lipstick biz, poppy king knows what’s up when it comes to life in modern times for women wanting to make a difference. here she is outside of barneys in beverly hills over the week-end (looking like she owns the place). as an aussie ex-pat living in yankieville, to see someone shine as brightly as poppy does makes me beam with pride. you go girl! in sixty seconds she covers everything from collecting vintage (“in winter its leopard print, in summer its 1950s floral”) to bikram yoga and back again to dante’s ‘inferno’. and best of all, i love this woman’s take on the institution of marriage and what it means to a working gal such as herself. a true inspiration. oh yeah, and did i mention she has a book out? for further info, go forth eager readers, go forth in THIS direction.

word up: chi-chi menendez…

my delovely sister in paris – the ultra-talented chi-chi menendez – recently created this epic window display for colette spotlighting designer cynthia rowley’s collaboration with ROXY. “it’s a futuristic cloning aquarium with infinite mirrors”
she says. yeah, yeah whatever sis!!! a big-up bravo to you darling heart xx

quote of the day…

“better than a face-lift, to stay young we need to be permanently in a state of intellectual curiosity” – salvador paniker