Monthly Archives: November 2010

a week of men…

the full moon last night made me realize there has been a definite lack of testosterone lately upon these pages..shame on me! in lieu of this, i’m dedicating the following week to men and men only. be warned…

l & m gallery on a saturday afternoon…

hands down my favorite gallery in l.a right now is l&m arts in venice where earlier this afternoon i experienced some kind of outer body hallucination from willem de koonings’s magnificent works spanning 1947 – 1954. do yourself a favor and see what i mean HERE

maestro innovator series: jennifer behr

i’ve been following the work of u.s accessory designer jennifer behr for several seasons now and am a devoted ambassador of her designs. as much as i love a brand like j.crew, i’m willing to put money on the fact that over the coming season they’re going to release slighty-adapted copies of the following designs because that’s the way the world works and, let’s face it, fashion and design evolves via re-interpretation every day. a big-up bravo to jennifer however: once more you’re on the money dear girl. keep up the great work. for more info go here HERE

einstein on bikes…

my dear pal camille just pointed out something truly perfect, a quote from albert einstein which reads: “the beauty of the bicycle as a metaphor for life is that in order to stay balanced, you have to keep moving.” live it, love it. without my bianchi, i am nothing.