Monthly Archives: June 2011

ny times hearts sophia 203!!!

i’m feeling molto proud at this moment as my ol’ swedish pal from colette started an accessory line last year and i loved it so much i decided to help her crack the U.S market with some media placement. alas, booya! it didn’t take me long as today the new york times ran this fancy post..go team!! you can’t stop progress folks!!

the quintessential L.A wedding experience…

an angel throwing rose petals in a backyard garden wedding…booya!

the happy couple…

the dream mercedes benz that is being handed down from generation to generation…

transportation to the restaurant via these amazeballs double-decker tour buses…

decorated with frida kahlo-esque colors (naturally)…

from the top of the tour bus turning onto sunset boulevard…

the saks fifth avenue vintage dress i wore to the wedding…

hilarious ladies rebecca and holly from holly flora…

and their beautiful floral arrangements teamed with ultra-chic letterpress menu’s by thunderwing press (JB + NIC you were there in spirit dear friends)…

feeling the love via a bear hug from the lovely simone…

congratulations heather and alex!! and this one again just because its so darn good…

i definitely do!!!

this is actually heather and alex as imagined by L.A artist frohawk two feathers. in a few hours from now i’ll be at their garden wedding in hollywood which is guaranteed to be an amazing event in itself. the dress is carolina herrera, the veil is lanvin, the flowers will be holly flora and the rest? check back tomorrow for a full report. its windy in L.A and it starts at 4pm: i’m wearing a vintage 1950s purple cocktail dress with violets in my hair…