Monthly Archives: February 2012

real beauty: norma kamali…

sixty-seven year old designer norma kamali hit NY fashion week last night and didn’t she just shown ’em how its done. oh, and yes, that’s fake fur by the way. living legend.

7000 hits!!

have i told you lately that i love you? well i do, truly. and i appreciate all of your support. every single one of you 7000 viewers who log on every day to keep me company. today is an all-time high for this here beloved blog that began in 2007. and so thank you dear viewers for accompanying me on this great adventure called life. who loves ya baby? quincy jones, that’s who!! keep it real, keep it positive and don’t forget: we’re here for a good time not a long time.

wassup neiman marcus?

this is why i shop at barneys. check out this unbelievably bad christian louboutin window display at neiman marcus in beverly hills this morning. who green lit this creative? street artists are a talented bunch and a handful of good ones reside in los angeles so whoever gave a spray can to an idiot and told them to try and do some graffiti in the windows of this department store should be skipping their lunch break today. seriously. in my effort to transform the negative into the positive i’m posting my favorite shot of the always-charming louboutin, from a party in hollywood back in 2008. note the body language of the wannabe beside him vying for attention? gotta love a professional who knows how to pose with a clenched fist in a fleeting moment.