Monthly Archives: October 2012

vive cathy horyn!!!

i have always been far more enthralled by the marketing / advertising side of fashion than by the clothes themselves and in admitting that, has everyone seen the latest debacle to hit paris fashion week? score an update by reading THIS. crikey! for the record, i am very much pro-cathy horyn (ny times fashion critic), she tells it like it is and anyone with half a brain amid the fashion industry will tell you she knows what’s up. period. incidentally this shot below of hedi slimane was taken last year in L.A and hours within posting it i was contacted by slimane’s peeps and asked to replace the photo with an image of him to be provided by his office. #daft.

onward forth…

this graphic design is from a t-shirt design worn by adam horowitz upon the cover of spin in 1998. when i first landed in paris i bought the magazine and pinned the cover to my wall. fourteen years later it remains not only an inspiration but also a lesson in ethics of how i choose to live my life. respect.