Monthly Archives: April 2013

lucy folk presents tropicalismo…





i’m totally biased when it comes to aussie jewelry designer lucy folk and her latest TROPICALISMO collection and you know what? that’s okay, because when accessories look this good you can pretty much re-write the rules. i started handling U.S communications for theĀ  melbourne-based talent a little over one month ago and we’re about to take america by storm (complete with a very special event slated for june 5th in L.A…more on that later). in order to get the ball rolling granted this lovely shout-out to lucy today, proving in essence once again that you can’t stop progress, folks!



urs fischer at MOCA…


here’s a reason to smile on a friday morning folks: art superstar (and fellow favourite of moi) urs fischer is set to take over MOCA as of april 19th. the show spans 65,000 square feet of fischer goodness and concludes its course on august 19th, 2013. for those of you unable to make it don’t fret however: i will be returning to L.A late next month (more on that later) so watch this space for complete coverage. who loves ya, baby? i do!